PB/HJ show to feature Skin & Advanced Treatments stage

The PB/HJ show takes place in the RDS on 6-7 November, with the event making a welcome return after a three-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Featuring everything from product launches to networking opportunities, part of the line-up includes four live stages, among them being the Skin & Advanced Treatments stage.
Whether you want to enhance your treatment menu and add aesthetics, or learn about skin rejuvenation or microneedling from the most experienced in the industry, this stage’s two-day programme will cover everything you need to know about skincare and advanced treatments.
The biggest brands will be showcasing their latest technology with live demonstrations giving you an abundance of skills and knowledge that you can take back to your own clinic.
Keep an eye on our social channels as we reveal the speakers and topics that you won’t want to miss on this exciting platform!
For more information about the show and to register for free, click here.