Irish Spa and Beauty Association surveys members’ 2025 training needs

Published 20th Nov 2024

The Irish Spa and Beauty Association is asking members to fill out a survey in order to identify their education and training requirements in 2025.

The Irish Spa and Beauty Association was previously known as the Irish Spa Association, but since the recent closure of the Hair and Beauty Industry Confederation (Habic), it has rebranded to include the beauty sector. Habic has encouraged its beauty sector members to join the Irish Spa and Beauty Association.

In collaboration with Image Skillnet, the Irish Spa and Beauty Association is asking its members to have their say on what training is delivered next year, and how the organisations can best support professionals to upskill.

The survey can be accessed via the Irish Spa and Beauty Association’s Instagram page @irishspaassociation.

Karina Corbett

Karina Corbett

Published 20th Nov 2024

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