Make-up Competitions winners at Professional Beauty & Hair revealed!

Published 13th Mar 2025

Sponsored by Andreia Professional, the Make-up Competitions at Professional Beauty & Hair saw talented make-up artists enter a range of exciting categories, which were judged by well-known MUAs Kiera Symth, Hayley Morrissey and Nicola Weldon.

“The sheer level of artistry was breathtaking,” said competition director Jacqui O’Sullivan. “It was nothing short of inspiring to witness so many passionate souls completely immersed in their work, each one championing the brilliance and diversity of our beauty industry. Sponsored by Andreia Professional, this competition was a beautiful celebration of raw talent, unwavering commitment, and the unbreakable bond that connects us all in our amazing field.”

The winners are:
Bridal Student
Winner: Victoria Hulisz
2nd place: Ruth Buchanan
3rd place: Orla Hillis

Bridal Professional
Winner: Yevheniia Barbelia
2nd place: Dorina Sirbu
3rd place: Nataliia Nalyvaykov

Catwalk Student
Winner: Holly Doyle
2nd place: Kayla Green
3rd place: Ellen Griffin

Catwalk Professional 
Winner: Sarah Ashmore Kehoe
2nd place: Lauren Guiry

Insta Make-up
Winner: Sara Ashmore Kehoe
2nd place: Anastasija Vidusa
3rd place: Rhona Gatt

Insta Make-up Voters’ Choice
Winner: Sarah Ashmore Kehoe

Creative Front Cover Student
Winner: Yevheniia Barbelia

Creative Front Cover Professional 
Winner: Declan Doyle
2nd place: Nataliia Nalyvaykov
3rd place: Sara Ashmore Kehoe

Karina Corbett

Karina Corbett

Published 13th Mar 2025

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