How the Warpaint Ireland Championships boosted three winners' careers

Image (left to right): winning looks by Shay Wakerley, Asta Kiske, and Aoife Singleton
Triumphing at our Warpaint Championships means much more than just a certificate and a trophy, it increases your confidence and can change your career path too.
We chatted to our Warpaint Dublin 2017 Champions, Aoife Singleton, Asta Kiske and Shay Wakerley, to find our how life was for them after their successes.
How has the win changed your career; has it opened any opportunities for you?
AK: I truly believe that winning Pro Artist award gave me more confidence to enter other competitions. I have met more creative artists and it has helped me to build up my clientele.
AS: It has made me explore and investigate different styles and looks in artistry and body painting that I never would have had the confidence to do. I started off face painting at children’s parties and now I body paint in clubs and events as well as face painting.
SW: The win has completely changed my life. It has opened up new doors in my career and also gave me great confidence when it comes to make-up. I find that competitions really help build confidence. You should use them as learning tools, soak up all the feedback, both negative and positive. I have been given the great opportunity to work for Airbase Makeup Ireland, whose products I actually use a great deal of for body painting and make-ups in general. Working for such an amazing brand has given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people and make connections throughout the industry.
What advice would you offer to future competitors?
AK: I would highly advise future competitors to set goals and follow their dreams. This competition may open doors to new opportunities and make you stronger as an artist. It is important not to be scared to be different and stand out from the crowd with your creative work.
AS: I would advise future competitors just to be 100% confident in their work and their mood board or face charts and any other work for their chosen look. Also, to be as compact as possible with your kit and everything you need because your work space can be very limited depending on the number of competitors entered so to just be mindful of that.
SW: First off, I would say, go for it. Don’t think that things are impossible or that you will never win. Trust me when I say anything is possible, you just have to put your mind to it and work hard. It’s very true that hard work pays off, but you have to believe in yourself first. My advice for the day of the competitions would be to enjoy yourself. Don’t think of it as a big competition, don’t watch what everyone else is doing, just focus on you and most importantly enjoy yourself. From previous experience, if you stress yourself out or worry too much, you are just setting yourself up for failure. So, from one competitor to another, I strongly advise you to enjoy yourself and enjoy the whole experience, as you will regret it if you don’t.
You both won a category at the championships; how did it feel to win?
AK: For me, everyone was a winner, they were so talented and creative! I was so thankful for all the support from my family and clients. I was so lucky to receive all the encouragement to enter the Real Beauty Pro.
AS: It felt amazing winning in the student runway category especially because it was my first time to enter and I have been attending the beauty show for years. I always used to say I wanted to enter and finally I did and I couldn’t be happier with the result.
SW: Honestly? Very surreal. When I heard my name being announced, I hardly believed it. To be honest, I think I was so tired after a long day’s work that I didn’t really know what was going on. However, I did feel a great sense of accomplishment. That was my first ever body painting competition, and I won. I was proud of myself for pushing myself harder than I had before. The response I received on social media after winning was overwhelming. I have to say a huge thanks to Roisin Leacy, the owner of The Gorey Institute of Beauty, in Co. Wexford, where I studied my makeup diploma. Without her guidance and continuous help and support, I truly wouldn’t have been able to win such a competition or even experience what I have.
Aoife, how did it feel to win Student Runway 1st Place in Ireland, 2nd place and the Rising Star category in Manchester all in two months?
AS: Honesty I was really shocked and so happy after I came first in Dublin in September. I got such a confidence boost and kept saying I’d book Manchester and enter but I kept changing my mind but a couple of days prior to the competition myself, my model and my friend just booked flights and entered. I came 2nd in the pop-art themed body painting category and received overall Rising Star out of everyone in every category which I was not expecting so I was delighted.
What did you do after winning?
AK: After the competition myself and model Ruta went for a shoot with Michael Johns at the Bushy Park.
AS: After winning in Dublin I couldn’t wait to go home and tell everyone how I got on so that’s what I did and I was after buying a few new bits so I couldn’t wait to go home and try them too. After the win in Manchester it wasn’t that straight forward to get home and tell everyone but our flight home was not until 9:30pm so we went to Wetherspoons and did a bit of celebration shopping then struggled with our bags in the airport coming home.
SW: After winning, I soaked it all in. The win, the achievement, all of it. To me it didn’t even feel real. I’m not going to lie, I was exhausted when I arrived home however the that was completely overridden by the great sense of accomplishment I had. I took to social media to share my win and I was overwhelmed by the amazing response I received by friends and family.
Will we see you at any of the other Warpaint Championships this year?
AK: You never know, I might enter other Warpaint competitions, but I would encourage other artists to do so
AS: You will be definitely see me at the Warpaint Championships. This year my goal is to enter them all both in Ireland and the UK.
SW: Of course! I have my eyes set on the Pro Body painting category. I’m looking forward to creating something new and unique this year. I plan to see you all there.
This article first appeared on our sister site, Warpaint magazine