Dublin barber creates mullet competing in international competition

Published 16th Sep 2024

A Dublin barber has created a mullet for a Mayo man who is now representing Ireland in an in international competition.

Ciaran Collopy owns Autonomy Hair Studio in Temple Bar in Dublin and is the man behind Trevor Hyland’s look, which has been going viral in recent times.

Hyland, who is 26 and originally from Shrule in the West of Ireland, lives in Visp in Switzerland and is now representing Ireland in the first-ever Swiss Mullet Cup hosted by Mullet Tea, an iced tea company based in Switzerland. 

Hyland began growing his mullet in January, but after being spotted at a half-marathon with it and then learning about the competition, he decided to commit to the hairstyle. He has now been nicknamed The Fresh Prince of Bel-Mullet.

The winner of the competition will be awarded a ticket to Festival de la Coupe Mulet, which is Europe’s largest festival dedicated to the famous haircut.

“I want to give a shout out to my barber and photographer Ciaran Collopy,” said Hyland. “He is the one who made all of this happen and I couldn’t have done it without him.

“I was on the barber stool for three hours – three hours of cutting, washing and styling. He used a full can of hairspray. It was crazy. Up until this point, I had only ever gotten a 10-minute shave on the sides.”

Karina Corbett

Karina Corbett

Published 16th Sep 2024

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